Once upon a time, in the realm of personal and professional transformation, there lived a young soul who embarked on an unexpected journey. Armed with a degree in chemical engineering, he set foot into the world, eager to conquer new horizons. Little did he know that destiny had a different path in store. As he delved into the world of software engineering, the initial steps felt like navigating a foreign land. The algorithms and codes were like enigmatic spells, and the world of programming languages seemed like a language of its own. But determination burned bright within him, and he took each challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. Amidst this technological metamorphosis, the bonds of friendship and social commitments remained unwavering. Late-night coding sessions were interspersed with laughter-filled gatherings, where tales of dreams and aspirations were shared over cups of steaming coffee. These friendships, like magical threads, wove a sense of belonging and support, rem...
A thousand stories, incidents, opinions to write here.